Put the individual donor at the centre
Build lasting relationships across channels and move donors from one-off to subscription-based donations.
Move to digital channels
Print adverts, door-to-door collections, phone calls and direct mailings may have worked in the past. But with new generations of digital natives entering the scene, it’s time to move into the digital world.
With Agillic, you can maintain connections across channels, such as email, SMS, personalised landing pages, app push notifications and more. Meaning you’ll build ongoing relationships to gain deep insights into your contributors’ behaviour and preferences and turn one-time donors into lifelong supporters.
Increase donation size
Getting your loyal contributors to give more is the most cost-efficient way to raise money. But your donors need to be approached respectfully and made to feel the importance of their contribution.
We make it manageable to create personalised and relevant communication, with inspiring and moving content. With Agillic, you’ll have the platform needed to move donors from one-off donations to subscription-based donations.
Save money for your cause
Being cost-effective in marketing is important for all businesses, but especially when every cost saved can make a difference for people in need.
In addition to using owned channels better, Agillic helps you be more effective in paid media, getting more donations out of your marketing investments. And you can take advantage of easy onboarding, ease of use, fast time to value, and low running costs that let you pass as much as possible of the raised funds to your cause.
Empowering trusted NGOs and charity organisations
A unified message across all channels
With Agillic, you can attract donors and keep them loyal to your cause with consistent data-driven communication. Maintain connections across channels, such as email, SMS, personalised landing pages, app push and more. Move donors from one-off donations to subscription-based donations and build ongoing relationships to gain deep insights into their behaviour and preferences.
We understand that charities are businesses with financial objectives while also being driven by idealistic motives. We help you balance your humanitarian foundation with the necessary commercial sustainability when creating giving relationships.
See how leading brands use Agillic
Ready to grow your customer base?
Schedule a free demo to see how we can help you maximise retention, reduce churn and increase revenue with the power of omnichannel marketing automation.