This policy outlines Agillic’s zero-tolerance in relation to corruption and bribery. The purpose of this policy is to ensure that Agillic does not get involved in any kind of corruption or bribery at any point in time.

The Anti-corruption and Anti-bribery Policy apply to all employees in Agillic.

Agillic is committed to adhering to high standards of business conduct, which as a minimum includes compliance with the law.

Agillic holds a ‘zero-tolerance’ stance towards bribery and corruption. Each employee has a responsibility to ensure that Agillic does not get involved in corruption or bribery of any kind.

Agillic does not tolerate the offering, giving, solicitation, or acceptance of any bribe, whether cash or other enticement, regardless of size:

  • To or from any person or company, wherever they are situated and whether they are a public official, a private person or a company
  • By any individual employee, agent, third party or other person acting on behalf of Agillic
  • To gain any commercial, contractual, or regulatory advantage for Agillic in a way which is illegal or unethical
  • To gain any personal advantage, monetary or otherwise, for the individual or anyone connected with the individual

Agillic accepts and allows the following activities:

  • Normal and appropriate hospitality
  • The giving and receiving of ceremonial gifts or modest seasonal gifts
  • Any hospitality or gift must be reasonable and justifiable, and not place any expectation on the part of the giver to expect preferential treatment of any sort from the recipient or the recipients’ employers or on the part of the recipient to reciprocate any other task in return.

Should any Agillic employee hold suspicion of bribery or attempted bribery committed by or against an employee or other party acting on behalf of Agillic, the employee must immediately report the suspicion to the Executive Leadership.

Agillic enforces disciplinary action and/or dismiss any employee that breaches the Company’s Anti corruption and Anti-bribery Policy.

All Agillic employees must familiarise themselves with the Company’s Anti-corruption and Anti-bribery Policy and at all times adhere to the principles.

This Policy has been approved by Agillic’s board of directors and adherence to the principles will be monitored regularly. Executive Leadership is responsible for establishing policies, processes and procedures to ensure compliance with this Policy, and reporting structures are put in place to verify compliance.