Why does Personalization work? Discussing Chapter 4 of ‘Hello $FirstName’ with Matt Johnson, PhD

Why does Personalization work? Discussing Chapter 4 of 'Hello $FirstName' with Matt Johnson PhD

It’s almost embarrassing. Embarrassing that we didn’t get a talk with Matt Johnson, PhD before we wrote the book. Because Matt Johnson, PhD is a Neuroscientist with expertise in the application of psychology to marketing. He’s a TEDx Speaker, has written several books and did I mention PhD from Princeton?

Sounds like he’d be the perfect one to get into an interview about what personalization does to our brains and why it works. So I’m extremely proud to present this episode of the ‘Hello $Firstname’ podcast, where Matt is the guest.

In last week’s episode we launched the audio book ‘Chapter 4 – Why does Personalization work?’ in which we cover the ‘Fundamental Motives Framework’ as an extended Maslowian pyramid of needs. We discussed creepiness and how personalization and being personal doesn’t necessarily overlap.

This week we get Matt’s perspective on top. Listen in on the discussion to learn which role serendipity plays in the customer experience. If consumers suddenly expect personalization everywhere – what’s the surprise then? Are all marketers just caught in a never ending spiral of personalization where the table stakes are increasingly higher for every ‘year of personalization’ that goes by?

Based on my latest book ’Hello $FirstName – Profiting from Personalization’

The book is available in print and kindle and can be bought here:
https://amzn.eu/d/7con9Ex (or your local .com, .co.uk, .se amazon…)

A written abstract of the book can be downloaded here:

All models and illustrations from the book can be downloaded here:

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